Dear So and So...

Dear So and So...

Dear Annoying Work Colleague (also known as Cock)

You have been a pain this week and nearly caused me to have a major meltdown.
Please do not ask me to answer questions from students when its my lunch hour.
Please do not talk to me at all!

Capable of everything even when your late

Dear Neb,

I know I haven't given you any ideas for valentines but for fuck sake do you not have a brain?
Also, thank you very much for volunteering to bath the kids but don't then moan at me because you have no clean clothes. Washing will only get done if it makes it to the hallway on a weekend! This is a rule that has always been the same - nothing has changed. Or you could even do your own bloody washing!!

Your loving wife - who may just have to send back the gift she got you!

Dear Car

Singing wheels on the bus in Wenglish (half Welsh, half English) is lovely but its getting a bit annoying when you have to sing it 10 times a day!

Your mummy with the headache

Dear Bel,

I think its great news that your teacher asked you to read a poem out in school. Please don't get upset about it - you know you can do it!
Your mummy who will give you strength.


Dear weekend,

Please don't rain,please be dry
I would like to get the kids out and at it so they don't drive me up the wall tomorrow and then I will have to retort to being a naughty twitter mum!

Yours praying

Dear inventors
Can you please invent a proper tardis (with a cloned David Tennant in it) so that I can fast forward to the end of the month. I need a) more money b) a clean office and c) less stressful times in work. If that can't be done then please can you clone me instead??

Yours willingly

Dear you lot
Sorry for the excess swearing, bad week, tired me, glad that was over.

This was the BNM edition of Dear So and So, bought to you today by the letter F and the colours blue and black!
