Ramblings of a tired mind

So, its now Sunday morning (ish) and I should really be in bed but as he is not here and I have just finished my 4th (or 5th ...) glass of wine, why not just throw caution to the wind.
So what's on my mind, well...

  • you should never watch a film that's been made from a book that you love and wonder why its not right, why do they have to change so much and yet why did it still make me cry... (the film was PS, I love you - the book is better!)
  • does anyone know how to make a spreadsheet that does all the things you want it to do, without asking each cell to do it (yes, I know I shouldn't be thinking about work on a weekend)
  • when you look at holiday brochures (cottages in Yorkshire if it makes you smile), it would be useful if you knew a) how far they were away from you b) if you can really afford it c) if you could afford to go abroad instead and d) why do none of them look just right.
  • my head itches so I think I need to do something about that
  • will I get a lie in tomorrow, as he is out?
  • why do I not have a supply of babysitters nearby so that I too could have gone out
  • oh, look, perfect family on TV, going to Disneyland .. hmmm, no money!
  • should I go on Twitter?
  • the house is a tip and the in laws are coming up on Friday! Ah well mega clean up session again!!!
  • my dad has regrown his beard and it makes me feel so homely, so right.
Yep, I ramble -aren't you glad that I'm here and your there.....

Bye for now

