When a bad mum turns good

You may recall a while ago that I did something awful.

Well now I have been redeemed. This month as we didn't have to pay Council Tax thanks to the lovely people and their direct debit scheme we had some extra spare cash. So after some research on the net I went and bought this:

It arrived and shall I tell you something, we have one very happy little girl. Its a DSi XL in case your wondering but being a 'Cardi' * I got it on sale. The only thing is now Neb wants one!
 Peace (with music on low) has come back to the household.

Not only that but yesterday I even managed to get some Club Penguin cards which no one seemed to sell (round here that is) . As apparently I'm very lucky I not only managed to get one with a yellow Penguin in (the same colour as hers!)  but a gold card too.

Isn't it nice when even when work is mega busy and the house looks like a tip that some harmony can happen.

Have a good weekend - I'm off to fry some fish!


PS A 'Cardi' is the name for someone who is tight with their cash and comes from Cardiganshire (in Wales). I couldn't find proper definition so if you know better please let me know
